City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod-Graphics



for the Eisteddfod Performers & Audience


Refer also to Division-Specific Rules at the start of each Discipline in the Current Schedule.


City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod Incorporated:
In these Rules, the City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod Incorporated will be referred to as the Eisteddfod Association.

There are two Parts of the Toowoomba Eisteddfod
Part 1 refers to May Competition;
Part 2 refers to July/August Competition.

Section: Section refers to each individual numbered event within the Eisteddfod.

Session: Sessions comprise any number of Sections and there are generally 3 sessions each day:
Morning  |  Afternoon  |  Evening

1. Accompanists

a. Competitors must provide their own
b. No official accompanists are available at any venue.

a. The adjudicator’s decision is final and communication with the adjudicator is not allowed.

a. For Dance, age is determined as at 1st January of the year of competition.
b. For Other Than Dance, age is determined at 31st December of the year of competition.
c. Primary indicates year 6 and under; Middle School indicates years 7 to 9; Secondary indicates years 7 to 12.
d. For all school year-level sections, school age competitors who have left school should consult the secretary if in doubt as to which year level they should enter.
e. Where school year levels apply, no competitor may enter outside his/her current year group except in sections where such a condition is written.
f. For solos and duets, the school year level (if applicable), competitor’s names and date of birth must be on the Registration Form.
g. Open Sections are open to All Ages.
h. In all sections (except solos), competitors must be entered into the age group of the oldest performer.
i. Competitors are permitted to enter both their age level section AND the Open section, in both solos and ensembles, provided they perform in the Open section at the appropriate standard for Open competition.
j. The Eisteddfod Association reserves the right to request documentation to verify the school year level or age of a competitor.

a. In Sections other than Dance, amateur is defined as one whose principal source of income is not derived from the exercise of his/her talent in a particular section for which he/she may have entered.
b. In Dance Sections only, amateur is defined as any person not working full-time as a teacher and/or performer. Student teachers presently studying and/or teaching under the guidance of professional teachers are classified as ‘amateur’. NB A professional is deemed to be anyone who is engaging in an activity for gain or as a means of livelihood and therefore not eligible to compete.

a. The Eisteddfod Association reserves the right to: 
 appoint a substitute or additional adjudicator;
          ii. divide or combine any section for program purposes;
          iii. cancel any section due to insufficient entries;
          iv. alter the competition times if necessary;
          v. amend the program.
b. The decision of the Eisteddfod Association in all questions and disputes shall be final.
c. Every care will be taken for the competitors’ safety, but the Eisteddfod Association will not be responsible for any injury sustained by a competitor during the Eisteddfod.
d. All queries related to the conditions of the competition must be addressed to a member of the Management Committee.

a. All sections will run in Program order.
b. If a competitor is competing in another hall or their accompanist is not available to play when it is their turn to perform, that competitor must notify the compere and go to the end of the section.
c. If there are no more competitors left to perform and the accompanist still has not arrived, the competitor must perform unaccompanied or withdraw, unless another accompanist in the room agrees to play for them.
d. If a solo and an ensemble performance are programmed against each other, performance in the ensemble section takes precedence. The solo section will remain open, where possible, until the competitor has performed with their ensemble, provided the compere has been notified.
e. Competitors must advise the Secretary at the earliest possible opportunity if withdrawing from a section of the competition and registration fees for that section will be forfeited.
f. Competitors must announce their own items, except in character or large group sections where a printed copy of the names of pieces being performed is to be handed to the compere just prior to performance.
g. Where different schools combine to create ensembles, they are required to enter the Community and Open Sections, not sections specifically for schools.

a. The Eisteddfod Association supports copyright laws and includes the appropriate One Music forms in this schedule, but is in no way responsible for personal breach of copyright.
b. Competitors are legally responsible for abiding by all Copyright laws, including laws relating to arranging, photocopying and the use of recorded music. See the One Music Guide to Music in Eisteddfods for more information and to ensure you are meeting all copyright obligations:
c. The making of audio and/or video recordings of performances, including mobile phone recordings, without the appropriate licence is prohibited. Penalties for offenders may include any or all of the following:
           i. Any recording device may be confiscated for the duration of the session.
           ii. The competitor may be disqualified.
           iii.Exclusion of any offender from the venue.
d. Competitors needing to record a performance must include a letter of application stating the reasons and a copy of the relevant approval licence with their entry form. The Association will provide written approval (if accepted) which must be brought to the section being recorded.

a. APRA/AMCOS now allows competitors to tick on their Eisteddfod registration form, a single legal declaration: “I certify that if I will be performing in the Toowoomba Eisteddfod from a printed copy, it will be:
    i. an original published edition; OR
    ii. a photocopy, transcription or arrangement that is accompanied by a letter from the copyright owner authorising that photocopy, transcription or arrangement; OR
    iii. an original published edition where both the work and edition are out of copyright (in the public domain).
b. Unless otherwise specified, only one selection/movement is to be performed in each Solo Section. For String Sections, one movement only of a work if it is from the Classical period or later. If a Baroque piece is being performed, then 2 (two) movements may be played.
c. A competitor may perform each Own Choice Selection or Dance routine only once during the Eisteddfod.
d. All own choice material for the adjudicator MUST be photocopies. These photocopies will become the property of the Eisteddfod Association and will be destroyed after the completion of the section.
e. Failure to provide a photocopy for the adjudicator by the closing date for Own Choice submissions (see above) means the competitor may perform, but will be considered as a non-competitive entrant.
f. “Own choice” material (content and presentation) must be suitable to be performed at an Eisteddfod. Careful consideration should be given to the use of language that could be offensive. Competitors (other than “Open” and “Years 11 and 12” Items) must not use language that is stronger than very mild coarse language. Where in doubt, the competitor must seek approval of the item by the respective item convener at least two (2) weeks prior to performance. Changes to language required by the convener must be adhered to.

a. Prizes will only be awarded if the standard of competition, as determined by the adjudicator, warrants a prize.
b. The Eisteddfod Association reserves the right to replace cash prizes with certificates in any section that does not receive sponsorship.
c. If a competitor has been awarded a Bursary or Scholarship, they are not eligible to apply for the same award in the following year.
d. Where there are two or more ensembles from the same school in a section, the highest mark will be taken for calculating aggregates and/or trophies.
e. Aggregates from sections judged only by the same adjudicator will be calculated by totalling performance marks awarded.
f. Where aggregates involve sections judged by more than one adjudicator, rankings points will be used instead of performance marks to decide the winner.
g. Rankings will be worth 20 points for 1st place, 19 points for 2nd, 18 points for 3rd, 17 points for Highly Commended and 16 points for all other places.

a. Dangerous props are forbidden. The Eisteddfod Association will be the sole arbiter of the danger, or otherwise, of a prop. For guidance, see next paragraph.
b. Glass, naked flame, objects thrown from the stage into the audience, liquid, powder or fine particles that may be difficult to remove from the stage or any other prop that may endanger competitors or audience are prohibited.
c. Props must be of a suitable size and nature to allow for placement and removal by one person quickly and with minimal disruption.
d. All props must be removed backstage immediately after each performance.

a. Any protest must be submitted in writing to the Eisteddfod Management Committee within one (1) hour of the completion of the Session containing the Section to which the protest relates.
b. A fee of $25 must accompany the protest and this will be refunded if the protest is upheld.

a. In Sections other than Dance the use of pre-recorded electronic backing or accompaniment is not permitted unless specifically stated in the Rules for that section.  For Instrumental Sections, exemptions can be requested IN WRITING from the committee prior to commencement of the competition. The request must outline the individual circumstances for consideration.
b. Backings must be handed to the convener immediately before competing and collected after competing.
c. The Eisteddfod Association will not be responsible for these backings and any left uncollected by the end of that Part of the Eisteddfod will be destroyed.
d. Competitors must ensure that their backings can be played through an audio system.  The systems in the Theatre require access via an earphone jack.  NO CD or USB connection is available.

a. Dance competitors are required to upload their music through STARDOM by the stated closing date for own choice submission.
b. This music will be played by a representative of the Toowoomba Eisteddfod Committee.
c. It is advisable to have a backup recording on a device (e.g. phone or iPad/tablet) in case there is an issue with the uploaded music.  The systems in the Theatre require access via an earphone jack.  No CD or USB connection is available.

a. All registrations must be made online through STARDOM which is accessible through the Eisteddfod website or at
b. Registration fees, including the Registration Form administrative fee, must be paid by 5pm on the Registration Closing date.
c. Names will appear in the Program as they were entered into STARDOM by the competitor.
d. Any questions appearing in a field (e.g. requesting gender, instrument, grade, year level) must be accurately answered.
e. Unless otherwise specified, competitors in Solo, Duet/Duo, Trio or Quartet Sections may only compete once in any Section.
f. To match database restrictions, competitor names must NOT be more than 45 characters, including spaces.
g. For groups of three or more competitors, an ensemble name is required. Where more than one group enters from the same school, academy or teacher, the groups should then be named with letters of the alphabet e.g. Oakey S.S. A; Oakey S.S. B; Oakey S.S. C; etc. Do not use the names of the individuals.
h. There will be no additions to the printed program unless the omission is that of the Eisteddfod Association.
i. Acceptance of an entry by the Eisteddfod Association is conditional upon the competitor agreeing that their name may be published in the Eisteddfod Program, in results published in the media and on the Eisteddfod website.
j. The Eisteddfod Association reserves the right to refuse any entry. 

a. Adjudicators’ report sheets may be obtained free of charge from the venue after the conclusion of each Section.
b. Any reports uncollected by the end of that Part of the Eisteddfod will be destroyed.

a. Time limits are the maximum performance times allowed and the decision of the official time keeper is final.
b. After a 30 second leeway, five (5) penalty points will be deducted for exceeding the time limit by between 30 and 60 seconds. Ten (10) penalty points will be deducted for exceeding the time limit by more than one minute.
c. In Sections other than Dance, except where otherwise indicated, time is calculated from the first note of music or opening word to the last note of music or last word (not including announcement of titles, or breaks between pieces).
d. In Dance, time is calculated from the time the dancer/s step on stage to the moment they step off stage.

a. Perpetual trophies remain the property of the City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod , but non-perpetual trophies presented in association with or in place of a perpetual trophy remain the property of the winner.
b. Perpetual trophy holders are responsible for their safe keeping, insurance, engraving and return to the Eisteddfod Association one month before the next applicable Eisteddfod Part.

a. All information collected by the City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod Inc. is confidential and used for Toowoomba Eisteddfod purposes only.
b. Because of privacy issues, still and video photography (including with mobile phone or any electronic device) is prohibited during the competition. (Refer also 7. Copyright).
c. No competitor may rehearse on the stage in any venue. A breach of this rule will lead to disqualification and/or a charge for venue hire.
d. Mobile phones must be turned off during the competition.
e. Any offensive words, lyrics, costumes or stage behaviour will lead to disqualification.
f. No-one will be permitted to enter or leave a venue while a competitor is performing.
g. For fire safety reasons, corridors must never be blocked and a clear pathway is to be maintained at all times.
h. Dressing rooms are provided for costume changes and instrumental warm-ups, do not congregate in them.
i. A dressing room is a shared space.  Consideration must be given to other competitors using the dressing room.  Competitors must not touch the costumes/belongings of other performers.
j. There is to be nothing left in dressing rooms at the end of each day.

City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod-Graphics


All competitors must announce their item, except for:

  • Auditorium, Large Group or Ensemble sections and sections where you perform as a “character” (eg. Music Theatre, Mime) which will be announced by the compere.
  • Primary Aged competitors can choose to announce the item themselves or ask the compere to do it.

For all Compere-announced performances, type or legibly write Competitor number, Item name/s (including any show, play or work it comes from), and Author/s or Composer/s, on a piece of paper and hand to the compere when you are about to perform.



Toowoomba Eisteddfod has no set works to be performed except for Verse Speaking in Speech & Drama. For everything else, competitors must choose their own material to perform, referred to as “Own Choice”. The adjudicator requires a hard copy of this material to peruse while you perform, so a photocopy with an Identification Form attached MUST be submitted by the due dates specified in the program. 

The making of audio and/ or video recordings of performances by any means, including mobile phone recordings, without the appropriate licence is prohibited. The taking of photographs is also prohibited.
Penalties for offenders may include any or all of the following:

i. Any recording device may be confiscated for the duration of the session.
ii. The competitor may be disqualified.
iii. Exclusion of any offender from the venue.


There are no official accompanists for the Toowoomba Eisteddfod.  However you may contact any of those listed below and make your own arrangements with them:

We currently do not have any accompanists to list, if you or someone you know would be interested in having you name here as an available accompanist for the Toowoomba Eisteddfod, please contact the Committee either by email or phone.

All participants in the Toowoomba Eisteddfod do so in the spirit of friendly competition and enhancement of performance abilities in a forum where stage experience can be gained and learned. Competition is staged with respect for the organisers, audience, adjudicator/s and fellow competitors, thus maintaining the spirit and integrity of the eisteddfod movement.