BECOME A Volunteer

Volunteers Needed!

Can you spare a few hours?

Join our supporters who help make the Toowoomba Eisteddfod a huge success year after year.

The City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod is a not-for-profit organisation.  We rely on our volunteers to help us run this event and fill a range of roles over the competition period, to ensure a smooth running of every session. This provides the best possible experience for our wonderful competitors, their families and teachers.

If you like working with people in an enjoyable atmosphere, where you can be part of the action, watching and supporting our wonderful local talent… Please get in touch and indicate your willingness and availability to help.

Ring our Volunteer Co-ordinator on 0435 653 556 or you can fill out the online form below or download the Volunteer Form from the button above and send it through to us at

General Duties of a volunteer

Our Volunteer Co-ordinator is Ora Whitley. Once you have expressed your interest in volunteering, Ora will contact you to arrange days and times that suit you.
Items needed to carry out the volunteer position, such as a program and instruction sheet, will be supplied to you.

  1. Try, if possible, to be in attendance 40 minutes before the Session commences.
  2. Check in with Session Co-ordinator on arrival.
  3. Collect bag containing cash tin and programs. Admission prices and Season Tickets prices will be with the program.  A receipt book is available (in cash tin if required).  Different sessions have different colours for admission tickets.
  4. If there are any queries or problems from competitors or general public refer them to the Session Co-ordinator.
  5. Redirect any own choice material to the Session Co-ordinator as this material should have been submitted prior to the commencement of the Eisteddfod.
  6. Ticket Seller may be asked to assist with other small duties during the Session.
  7. At the end of the Session, the cash tin and any unsold programs are to be put in the cash bag and will be collected by the Session Co-ordinator or committee member.
  8. Check with the Session Co-ordinator before departure.
  1. Try to be in attendance 40 minutes before the Session commences.
  2. Check with Session Co-ordinator on arrival.
  3. Check “Season Ticket” and Professional members pass and the colour of the daily “Admission Ticket” with the ticket seller. Different sessions have different colours for admission tickets.
  4. Check the TV monitor is working (where applicable).
  5. Admission procedures:
    • With the exception of the competitors. No admission unless a ticket is produced at the door.
    • Tickets are not to be collected.
    • Eisteddfod Committee members, Life members and Professional members will have identification for entry.
    • School children accompanied by their parents are admitted free
    • If a representative arrives for prize presentation they should be admitted for free. These details can be verified from the Program.  Let the Compere know that they have arrived.
  6. No entry is allowed during the performances. Entry is allowed between performances.  Open the door as soon as the previous competitor leaves the stage and close it when the Compere announces the next competitor.
  7. At the end of the section, any remaining Competitor Report Sheets will be left at the Eisteddfod Ticketing Table for distribution to Competitors after the section is completed.Return name tag and sign off on the attendance sheet.

Before Session:

  1. Be at the venue at least 40 minutes before the start of the Session.
  2. Check in with the Convener when you arrive.
  3. The own choice music will be at the adjudicators desk
  4. Check the Adjudicator’s table for competitor report sheets, bell, stopwatch, pencil, paperclips, scribble pads, Highly Commended Certificates, Schedule and Program.
  5. Before heading up report sheets with Section Name and Number, Competitor Number and Title of Piece, make sure the card is between reports.
  6. When Adjudicator arrives, introduce yourself to her/him and go over the arrangements for the session.

During Session:

** Refrain from making unnecessary conversation with Adjudicator or offer advice. 
Please do not offer comments on any competitor.
  1. During the competition, have each own choice item in front of the Adjudicator and ensure that the appropriate report sheet is being used.
  2. Check sections for time limits.  The Scribe will be the Official Timekeeper. Please fill in time details for all competitors (in sections where there are time limits) on the Performance Timing Sheet, which can be found in the relevant own choice folders.  The scribe will inform the Adjudicator should any competitor go over time as point penalties apply for exceeding the time limit.  This is particularly important: refer to General Rules in Schedule.
  3. Write as clearly as possible and when placing marks at the bottom of the page, be careful to avoid crossing and re-marking.
  4. If Highly Commended Certificates are awarded, please fill them in and hand to Adjudicator for presentation.
  5. Help the Adjudicator if necessary, to sort out the Report Sheets.
  6. Fill out and remove the “Official Results Sheet”, (on the front of the Own Choice Folder), with place getters’ marks.  The adjudicator is to take this form, Report sheets and any Highly Commended Certificates required when giving comments and marks and awarding the prizes.
  7. Complete the Official Results Sheet.
  8. Any remaining Competitor Report Sheets are given to the Door Keeper for distribution at the end of the section.  Any remaining reports are to go into the folder which will be left at the Eisteddfod Ticketing Table.
  9. If the Adjudicator has any queries, refer him/her to the Session Co-ordinator who will be a committee member.

Concluding Session:

  1. At the conclusion of the Session in the following order –
    • Start with the Official Results sheets for each section. Put the white report sheets in competitor number order behind each relevant section.
    • Collate all section reports for this session (with report sheets).
    • Collect compere’s folder, result sheets and place compere’s form on top of file.
    • Bundle together carefully.
    • Return to the Eisteddfod Ticketing Table or Session Co-ordinator.

Before Session:

  1. Be at the venue at least 40 minutes before the start of the Session.
  2. Check in with Session Coordinator.
  3. Locate the Compere of Session Official Program and check for any changes.
  4. Check that prize money, medals, trophies and shields needed are on the Compere’s table.  Trophies and shields should be place on stage for presentation.  Check for any “special” aggregate presentations.
  5. Prepare Session stand for the first Section of competition.  Remember to change the Competitor Number after each competitor has performed.
  6. When the Adjudicator arrives, introduce yourself to him /her and find out any special requests and needs as well as suitable morning /afternoon tea breaks.
  7. A list of competitors will be brought to the Compere’s table prior to the commencement of the Session.  Competitors will announce their item and composer/ author from the stage where possible.
  8. 5 minutes before starting the Session, you should check to see that the first few competitors are available and ready to perform.

During Session:

  1. Begin Session with a welcome to all and to the Adjudicator. Make Housekeeping Announcements (it will be on the Compere’s table).  Please use microphone when available. 
  2. Announce first Section giving the details of it in full, including any conditions and prize donors pertaining to the Section.  Acknowledge their generosity to the Eisteddfod movement.  Ask members of the audience to support the business houses where possible.
  3. A Door Keeper should let you know if anyone is present to make the presentations of trophies.
  4. Have competitors run in chronological order.  Competitors may not compete out of numerical order unless their accompanist has been detained at another Eisteddfod venue for competition. In this case, the competitor will go to the bottom of the list.  If the accompanist has still not arrived, the competitor may perform unaccompanied or ask if another accompanist in the venue will play for them.  Accompanists for large ensembles take precedence over solos and small ensembles.
  5. Introduce each competitor by number only.  In sections in the Armitage centre, Studio and Church Theatre, competitors will announce their own selection titles and author / composer.  Younger competitors may choose to ask the compere to do this.
  6. If a competitor has withdrawn, announce it so the Adjudicator and other competitors are prepared.  If an error or omission has beem made by the Committee, announce the changes at the beginning of the relevant Section.
  7. Once through the Section, make another call for any further competitors.  If no more competitors are available, then formally close the section and await the Adjudicator’s results.  Please refrain from making any unnecessary announcements during the Adjudicator’s deliberations.
  8. Have the prize money, Certificates or Medals ready for the Adjudicator.
  9. Write the results clearly on the Compere’s Folder Results Sheet provided.  Please put first place winner first on the list, followed by second place, third place and Highly Commended names. 
  10. The Adjudicator will hand you a Results Sheet so that there will be no confusion in recording names / marks.
  11. After the adjudication, announce the numbers, names and marks of the place getters, starting from 1st, then 2nd, 3rd and Highly Commended.  Congratulate the winners and all competitors.
  12. During the Session, it would be helpful to the Association if you could do a head count of the audience and mark it onto the Compere’s Folder Results Sheet.
  13. Only introduce and send competitors on to the stage when the Adjudicator has indicated they are ready for the next performance (usually indicated by the bell ringing).
  14. Assist competitors with their needs such as stands, chairs, page turning for Accompanist.
  15. When waiting for the Adjudication at the end of the Section, it is not necessary (and often not desirable) to fill the time with talk by the Compere.  If there are special announcements / reminders to be made, use this time, otherwise let the audience know they may talk QUIETLY amongst themselves whilst they are waiting.
  16. Try as much as possible to make it an enjoyable, not terrifying experience for the competitors, especially the younger ones.

End of Session

  1. At the conclusion of the Session, thank the Adjudicator, Accompanists, Competitors and the audience and officially close the Session.  The Compere is the only person who may conclude the Session.
  2. Record the time of completion of the Session on the bottom of the Compere’s Folder Results Sheet.
City of Toowoomba Eisteddfod-Graphics

There are always many important roles to fill and all help is gladly received and appreciated.

To find our more…

Please email our Volunteer Co-Ordinator here.

All participants in the Toowoomba Eisteddfod do so in the spirit of friendly competition and enhancement of performance abilities in a forum where stage experience can be gained and learned. Competition is staged with respect for the organisers, audience, adjudicator/s and fellow competitors, thus maintaining the spirit and integrity of the eisteddfod movement.